not really sure how to start these ...,.,
oh well !!!
so,,.,. ive been working on stuff ,.,..,,,.,
mostly snick rebuilt (pizza tower mod (i am the only programmer) and super secret top secret sunfall (risk of rain 2 mod) !!!
heres some videos of what ive done so far ,..,.,
small lsittle showcase of item that on interact spawns an area which gives barrier over time
item that spawns a "mine" (currently just detect radius) that applies a damage over time that stops enemies
full coding for all of snicks sick new moves !!
so umm ,.,., yeah ,,.,, basically what ive been up to !! might not seem like much but ive been on the mindwave demo grind ,.,. ive also been planning on adding guest book support and maybe a little chatbox on the right
above the status but thats for later !!
ok byebye !!!